The Course
The quality and advantages of Prostate MRI have re-defined prostate diagnostic practice in recent years. Recent publications of PROMIS, PRECISION and the Hansen BJUi papers strongly advocate the use of mpMRI for lesion detection and biopsy avoidance in the diagnostic pathway.
This established international workshop has traditionally addressed the approach to learning the skills required for this new diagnostic tool and its application using guided biopsies in a multidisciplinary environment involving Radiologists, Urologists and Pathologists. Modules for beginners and advanced readers are provided.
We recommend MRIpro as a validated online learning tool to consolidate the skills after the course.
Course & Workshop Format
Validated course package on various workstations
Lectures, practical cases and discussion
“Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
“Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.”
The Cambridge Prostate mpMRI & Biopsy Course, is compliant with the provisions of the EucoΜed Code of Ethical Business Practice. For more information please click here.
This established international workshop has traditionally addressed the approach to learning the skills required for this new diagnostic tool and its application using guided biopsies in a multidisciplinary environment involving Radiologists, Urologists and Pathologists. Modules for beginners and advanced readers are provided.
We recommend MRIpro as a validated online learning tool to consolidate the skills after the course.
Course & Workshop Format
Validated course package on various workstations
Lectures, practical cases and discussion
“The The Cambridge Prostate mpMRI & Biopsy Course, Rome 2019, Rome, Italy, 19/11/2019-19/11/2019 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 7 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.”“Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
“Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.”

The Cambridge Prostate mpMRI & Biopsy Course, is compliant with the provisions of the EucoΜed Code of Ethical Business Practice. For more information please click here.
Organised by
Members of the CamPARI Prostate Cancer Group,
University Department of Radiology & Department of Urology, Cambridge
Urology & Radiology Units
Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation
University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’
Workshop Packages
University Department of Radiology,Cambridge University Hospitals