Participant Registration | 400€
Residents Registration | 320€
To proceed with your Registration please click the Online Registration Form
A special Discount of 20% will be offered to Residents. To benefit from this discount please email us at
Please know that places for the course are limited and will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. You are kindly asked to register for this course and secure your place by Thursday, November 14th of 2019. Onsite Registrations will not be accepted.
Feel free to contact us at for any assistance you may require with booking your accommodation for the Course.Terms & Conditions
Full payment of all services booked is required in order to confirm your registration.
Methods of payment
Please note that the above cost does not include bank fees. Bank charges are to be settled by the payee.
Payments can only be made in Euros (EUR). A confirmation of services as well as payment invoices will be sent after the receipt of the appropriate fees via e-mail to the address advised for communication.
Online payments by Visa or MarsterCard can only be made with Euros (EUR) and will be processed through the Course’s online services system by selecting the relevant option in the payments section. Upon completion of payment, the online system will redirect you to a confirmation page. After you submit your registration you will also receive a confirmation via email of the services booked.
Bank transfers are also to be accepted in Euros (EUR). Your bookings will be valid for seven (7) days after completion of the online form. Payment by bank transfer must be completed within this time frame for your bookings to be confirmed. After the 7-day deadline has expired, your bookings will be considered invalid and you will have to repeat the online registration process.
Please find herewith the bank account details should you chose the bank transfer option. Please ensure that you include a reference of your name and the Prostate mpMRI & Biopsy Course, Rome 2019 in your payment for identification purposes.
Bank name: EUROBANK
Account holder: ERASMUS S.A
Bank’s Address: 35-37 MICHALAKOPOULOU STR., 11528 ATHENS, GREECE
Account Number: 0026-0237-83-0200937824
IBAN: GR35 0260 2370 0008 3020 0937 824
Important Note: A copy of the bank transfer receipt is to be sent to the Cambridge Prostate mpMRI & Biopsy Course, Rome 2019 Organising Secretariat by e-mail at for confirmation of the relevant bank transfer. Upon payment, we will send you the respective confirmation voucher by e-mail.
Disclaimer: Erasmus Conferences & Events S.A. does not store credit card information nor do we share customers’ details with any third parties. All personal data included in the databases to which access is granted will be protected according to the European Directive for the Protection of Personal Data with appropriate software and hardware measurements.
Cancellation Policy
Written notification, sent to Erasmus Conferences & Events S.A is required for any cancellation or change to your Registration.Refunds will be made as follows:
*Up to and including September 25th 2019: 50% refund
*From September 26th 2019 and onwards: No refund will be granted.
All refunds will be made within two (2) months after the end of the Course. Any bank charges (whereas applicable) will be deducted from the total amount to be refunded.