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Oral Presentations 2: Clinical issues in paediatric care

Parallel Hall 2
Friday, June 1, 2018
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Parallel Hall 2


Anna Manatou
Onassis Cardiac Center


Mrs. Caroline Roberts Quast
Amsterdam University Of Applied Sciences


Costa Lima Renato Rafael

Scopular morfoestrutural alteration

Marela Sain Tuka

Hereditary angioedema specificity of therapy case report

Mrs. Biagia Accinni
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital

Care strategies to a pediatric patient with timothy syndrome: a case report

Costa Lima Renato Rafael

Vascular accident in children: a case report

Ozgul Balci
Manisa Celal Bayar University

Determination of the difficulties during pediatric medication preparation and administration

Mrs. Beste Özgüven öztornaci
İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi

The effect of using the web based double eye control program in the medication of high risk drugs in pediatric patients

Mrs. Charalampia Nteli
Picu Nurse, Msc, PhD (c)
Pediatric Hospital "panagiotis And Aglaia Kyriakou"

Effectiveness of insertion and maintenance care bundle to prevent central line associated bloodstream infections at pediatric intensive care unit of greece
