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Oral Presentations 11: Neonatal care

Parallel Hall 2
Friday, June 1, 2018
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Parallel Hall 2


Dr. Maria do Céu Barbieri-Figueiredo
Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto


Mrs. Georgia Christopoulou
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse, M.sc.
General Pediatric Hospital of Athens, "P. & A. Kyriakou"


Dr. Duygu Gözen
Istanbul University

The effect of abdominal massage on transcutaneous bilirubin level in newborn infants

Dr. Seda Caglar
Istanbul University

Effects of pacifier use on transition to full breastfeeding in preterm infants: systematic review

Bircan Kahraman
Adnan Menderes University

The factors associated with sleeping habits and sleeping problems of 3-12 months infants

Gonca Karayagiz Muslu
Mugla Sitki Kocman University

Determining the aflatoxin m1 level in breast milk: Fethiye case at turkey

Karolina Kramaric
Faculty of Dental Medicine And Health, University Hospital O

The therapy of neonatal diseases is science and the treatment of preterm neonates is an art

Charlotte Sahlen Helmer
Division of Nursing Science

Does skin-to-skin care improve interaction between premature infants and their mothers?
