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Oral Presentations 13: Paediatric pain

Parallel Hall 1
Saturday, June 2, 2018
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Parallel Hall 1


Mrs. Katrin De Winter
Coordinator Pediatric And Neonatal Health Care
Thomas More University College, pediatric and neonatal health care departement


Mrs. Fotini Mavridi
Staff Nurse
"p&a Kyriakou" Childrens Hospital


Ms. Tuğba Karakuş Türker
İstanbul University

Comparing the effects of kangaroo care and breastfeeding in reducing the pain due to hepatitis b vaccination in newborns

Dr. Gudrun Kristjansdottir
University of Iceland Faculty of Nursing and Landspitali University Children's Hospital

Does culture influence pain-related parent-behaviors?

Mrs. Ayşe Ay
Research Assistant
Hacettepe University

Attitudes and practices of mothers who have children with cancer for pain management and analgesic drug use at home

Dr. Gudrun Kristjansdottir
University of Iceland Faculty of Nursing and Landspitali University Children's Hospital

Pain and self medication among 12-16 year old Icelandic children

Mrs. Marina Bedekovic Slisko
Kbc Zagreb

Perception of pain in children during needle insertion procedures

Kristina Kuznik

Headache diary as an important diagnostic criterion

Marianne Hedegaard Nielsen
Kolding Sygehus a Part of Lillebælt

Cooperation with parents when their children have a clinical procedure

Mrs. Eleni Tamvaki
Staff Nurse, CICU
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children

Good practice” in procedural pain management in pediatric emergency departments

Mrs. Stella Neri
Resarch Nurse
Università Degli Studi Di Firenze, Dipartimento Di Scienze Della Salute

The use of virtual reality in the reduction of pain and anxiety during venipuncture in children with cystic fibrosis: a randomized controlled trial

Nikolletta Makropoulou
National And Kapodistrian University Of Athens

The management of children’s pain at home
